
Cactus Crochet Amigurumi – Hen and Chicks

May 12, 2011

Looking for cactus patterns online proved to be more difficult than I first thought. All the good ones cost money and there aren’t very many of them, so I decided to just play around and see what I could make. First, I made the pot and then put a dome of dark brown dirt on top. I Ended up making different shaped leaves and then starting from the middle and worked my way around. I got better as I went, so the outside layers look a bit more like hen and chicks than the middle. To top it off, I put a smile on the middle of it.

The reason I was interested in it at all was that I have a friend who was feeling down about school and how much work was left after she recovered from being very sick. I gave her the cactus in hopes that she could look up and have something to smile at her and cheer her on.

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